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credit recovery

Customized Courses Designed for Diploma-Bound Students
Let's face it, not all students are on the traditional path. Students can experience interruptions in their learning due to illness, moves or unexpected events. B.E.S.T. Academy's Credit Recovery options offer a lifeline for students who are trying to get back on track for graduation. Our flexible credit recovery program, creates a customized learning path for students that assigns only lessons within each unit that are needed for mastery and course completion.
Customized Credit Recovery Learning Paths
210 Credit Track Graduation Diploma Option
Flexible Online Learning
24/7 Online Access to Courses
Personalized Academic Coaching Support
Earn Work Study & Internship Credits
Laptops Provided to Enrolled Students!
Customized Learning Paths
What You Want to Learn!
Students are assigned a pre-test at the beginning of each unit to determine their learning path. Courses are customized with personalized support so time is spent focusing on concepts and units needed to earn course credits toward diplomas.

Credit Recovery Math
Algebra I
Algebra I Fundamentals
Algebra II
Algebra II Fundamentals
Consumer Math
Geometry Fundamentals
Pre-Calculous – Common Core CA
Integrated Math I
Integrated Math II
Integrated Math III
Credit Recovery Science
Earth Science
Credit Recovery History/Social Studies
Principals of American Democracy
United States History & Geography: Continuity & Change in the Twentieth Century
World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World
Credit Recovery English
English 9
English 10
English 11
English 12
English I Fundamentals
English II Fundamentals
English III Fundamentals
English IV Fundamentals
Credit Recovery Electives
Principals of Coding
Essentials of Communication
Personal and Family Living
Personal Finance Literacy
Physical Fitness
Music Appreciation
Music Theory
Business Computer Information Systems
Civil War
Twentieth Century American History
Vietnam Era
French I
French II
Spanish I
Spanish II
Spanish III